Having made the decision to take anabolic steroids, you need to follow the smartest, most informed route to administration.
Doing so will minimize the side effects while maximizing the results, putting the risk-benefit ratio hugely in your favor.
With so much fake news floating around about steroids, though, it’s not easy to find unbiased, science-based information that’s reliable.
This mega article is designed to be your one-stop source to allow you to safely and smartly embark upon your first and subsequent steroid cycles.
Having been in the muscle building and strength industry for more than three decades, I have experience in the anabolic steroid game from every angle.
I’ve got the answers you need to help you confidently progress through your first bulking, strength, or cutting cycle.
Before we get started, I need to make it clear that this article in no way endorses steroid use.
The decision to take anabolic steroids is not to be taken lightly.
You should take into consideration the long-term ramifications of your decision and do as much research as possible prior to use.
Key Takeaways: What Are The Best Steroid Cycles?
- Best Beginner Bulk Cycle: Dianabol – Great for Building Substantial mass, and widely regarded to be a great entry level drug
- Best Beginner Cutting Cycle: Winstrol – With great drying effects and solid muscle retention capabilities, it’s great for a beginner
- Best Beginner Female Cycle: Anavar – Known as the “female steroid” it allows muscle gain and fat loss with minimal sides if dosed correctly
- Best Overall Bulking Cycle: Testosterone, Deca Durabolin and Dianabol – A tried and tested stack, and with enough estrogen management, it can be a life changing cycle
- Best Overall Cutting Cycle: Testosterone, Masteron and Trenbolone – Controlling estrogen with Masteron, the base of Test and the power punch of Tren, game over.
First Steroid Cycle
A steroid cycle refers to the length of time and dosage that a steroid or combination of steroids (stack) are taken. The time that you are using the steroid is called ‘on cycle’, while the times that you are not using are called ‘off-cycle.’
When embarking upon your first steroid cycle, you should plan to keep it as basic as possible. You will be introducing a synthetic compound into your body that you have no idea how your body will react to it. Starting with a hormone that your body is already familiar with, such as testosterone, makes a lot of sense.
Over the course of your first cycle, you should be carefully monitoring how your body reacts to it. Keep a journal in which you record your physical and emotional experiences, including how strong you feel while working out and how aggressive you feel when not in the gym.
You should not stack steroids on your first cycle. If you have some type of bad reaction, you will not be able to know which of the steroids in your stack was the problem.
It is extremely important to understand that a steroid cycle will not work in isolation. Unless you are also working out very hard and eating in line with your goal, you will not achieve your goal, regardless of how many steroids you take. In other words, you can’t sit on the couch all day eating potato chips, drop some junk and expect to get swole.
If you are on a cutting cycle, you need to drop your daily caloric intake by 500 calories in order to maintain a daily caloric deficit. On a bulking cycle, increase your daily consumption by 500 calories above your maintenance level.
You should ramp up the intensity of your training while you are on a cycle, whether your goal is to cut or to bulk. You will have more energy and a greater ability to recover while you are taking steroids. Take advantage of that by stepping it up to 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, and taking the weekends off to recover.
How Long Is A Steroid Cycle?
A steroid cycle can be as short as 4 weeks, with the maximum advisable length being 12 weeks. A big reason why you need to cycle on and off with steroids rather than taking them year-round is that steroid use inhibits the body’s natural testosterone production (though there are some exceptions). So, when you are off-cycle you need to take a course of post-cycle therapy designed to bring back your natural testosterone levels.
When it comes to determining the length of your steroid cycle, you need to think about your goal. If you are on an aggressive bulking cycle, you can be off cycle for as long as you are on cycle. So, if you are on cycle for 8 weeks, you should follow it with an off-cycle of 4 weeks, during which you follow a course of post cycle therapy.
You would not go on a very aggressive cycle on your very first cycle. You would want to be conservative the first time around, so you should be on cycle for double the time that you were off cycle. So, if you are on cycle for 8 weeks, you would follow it with three weeks of PCT.
How Long Between Steroid Cycles?
As a general rule of thumb, you should go off-cycle for half the length of time that you are on cycle. That will provide your body enough time to rebuild your testosterone levels.
You will find that a lot of bodybuilders will follow two months on, one-month off-cycle pattern. It also provides you with the opportunity to stay emotionally and mentally refreshed.
Some bodybuilders may use the “Cruise and Blast” technique, in which they follow a TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) dose between larger cycles. Keep in mind this is a lifelong decision, thus it requires lifelong dedication. Think extremely carefully before taking this approach.
How Much Does A Steroid Cycle Cost?
The cost question is obviously an important factor in planning out your steroid cycle. Let’s break it down in US dollars.
A typical steroid cycle between two and three vials of the steroid that you are cycling. Injectable steroids usually cost between $50 and $100 per vial. Oral steroids will cost you between $50 and $100 for a bottle of 100 capsules.
As an example, a cycle that stacks Testosterone (500mg per week) and Dianabol (30 mg per day) over a period of 6 weeks will cost you around $350, including the cost of post-cycle therapy.
In terms of post-cycle therapy, taking one tablet of Nolvadex per day over three weeks following a 6-week cycle will suffice. That will cost you about $50.
How to build a cycle?
As a beginner, you shouldn’t be running more than one compound at a time. If you have a negative reaction to one, how do you know which it is? Further than that, don;t do ridiculous doses or something stupid. Respect the compounds. Here follow some good options you can look at.
Best Beginner Bulking Steroids
Compound | Benefits | Side Effects | Precautions | Can it be run alone? | SARM Alternative |
Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate | Muscle Growth ⬆️⬆️⬆️/5 Recovery ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹/5 Strength 💪💪💪/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | PCT Needed Injectable Manage estrogen | ✅ | Testolone RAD 140 |
Dianabol | Muscle Growth ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️/5 Recovery ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹/5 Strength 💪💪💪/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | Can be watery Blood pressure issue Manage estrogen Toxicity | ✅ | Myostine YK-11 |
Turinabol | Muscle Growth ⬆️⬆️⬆️3/5 Recovery ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹/5 Strength 💪💪💪/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression Testosterone Shutdown Hair LossAcne Aggression | Blood pressure issue Toxicity | ✅ | Ostarine MK 2866 |
Compound: Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate
This is going to be the base of most of your cycles, and for good reason. That being said, Testosterone only cycles are still one of the best beginner options. You can’t really go wrong. With an anabolic to androgenic rating of 100:100, it’s going to be the best bang for your buck. Dosing can vary obviously, but in your first cycle less is really more.
Expect great strength and muscle gains, libido boost, massive recovery boost, and just a general feeling of greatness. The side effects are relatively easy to manage as long as you don’t go crazy on dosing, and while a PCT is definitely recommended, using some supplements to support you whilst on cycle is going to go a long way.
A great SARM alternative would be RAD 140. Providing you with great muscle and strength gains, with fewer androgenic side effects than a Testosterone cycle.

Things to look out for include making sure you manage your blood profiles (blood pressure, cholesterol) and of course making sure you manage any estrogenic effects you might have with an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) or a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) like Tamoxifen.

A post cycle treatment is greatly advised as exogenous Testosterone does shut down the body’s natural Testosterone production, and decreases Luteinizing hormone(LH) and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Something like Enclomiphene can address all of these issues.

Dianabol, or commonly known as Dbol, is one of the most common steroids, and frankly one that most people start off with. Very anabolic in its nature, this is definitely going to give you a great amount of size gains. Also quite estrogenic, so maybe make sure your diet is really on point when using this compound.
Most commonly used in its oral form, but there are oil forms on the market. Let’s be honest though, the tabs are going to be easier to hide from whoever you’re hiding it from. Liver toxicity isn’t that bad, not as bad as something like Anadrol, but still needs to be addressed – as well as blood pressure.
D-BAL Summary
While Dianabol is an illegal compound, D-BAL has been fomulated with natural ingredients and do not break the law.
Designed to help you build lean muscle mass and potentially even help with fat loss, D-BAL is a real game changer to anyone looking to level up.
With ingredients like Tribulus, Magnesium, and Vitamin D, you will definitely a novel benefit in your efforts in the gym.
D-BAL Overview
⭐️ Top Benefits: Muscle growth
⌛️ Cycle Length: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off
💰 Average Cost: $64.99
❤️🩹 Side Effects: None
=📚 Best Stack: DecaDuro, Anadrole, Trenorol, and Testo-Max
🌡 PCT Required: No
⚤ Men/Women: Men/Women
Myostine YK-11 is a great SARM alternative, with anabolic effects without having the common Dbol side effects, such as a puffy face and increase of prostate size.
Dianabol can increase the amount of red blood cells in your body, thus increasing blood pressure. This is one of the reasons we often see bigger strength athletes bleed during heavy lifts – high bP. Managing bP with something like CoQ10 will go a long way.

Off Cycle Organ Cleanser Behemoth Picture
It’s common knowledge that an oral compound is more toxic towards the organs than their oil based counterparts. As a bastardish bonus, orals also have a tendency to wreck your appetite. If you ran a Dbol only cycle, it might be a good idea to just make sure you channel your inner Gwyneth Paltrow and cleanse your organs. They deserve it. Fun fact, your liver can recover from most damage – your kidneys cannot. If they’re injured, you are done. Can’t even eat a high protein diet. Take. Care. Of. Your. Organs.
Compound: Turinabol

Turinabol is known as Tbol by most gymbros and is very often overlooked. I mean, almost always overlooked. This handy little compound acts very similar to Dbol, with some slight differences. Firstly, Tbol is a derivative of Dbol. Therefore, it’s actually a bit weaker than Dbol. You can definitely use this to your advantage as it’s not going to be so estrogenic. It will still give you great strength and muscle gains don’t be worried.
Tbol is a great starter steroid, again not going to give you massive size gains, however it’s going to be the perfect starting point to see how you react to exogenous hormones.
Ostarine has the added benefit of not being estrogenic at all, so one less thing to worry about. Ostarine can also be used for both gaining mass, and as a cutting agent as well.
Due to the fact that Tbol isn’t that powerful, it won’t be that suppressive on natural testosterone production. Combine this with the Luteinizing hormone stimulating power of HCG whilst on cycle and you should be completely covered.
Again, you’re going to see an increase in blood pressure thanks to Tbol. It will be lower than that induced by Dbol, however it still needs to be managed. L-Citrulline can massively decrease blood pressure and as a bonus it can be used as a pre workout!
Best Beginner Cutting Steroids
Compound | Benefits | Side Effects | Precautions | Can it be run alone? | SARM Alternative |
Testosterone Propionate | Muscle Retention 4/5 Drying Effects 2/5 Strength 3/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss AcneAggression | PCT Needed Injectable Manage estrogen | Yes | Testolone RAD 140 |
Winstrol | Muscle Retention 4/5 Drying Effects 3/5 Strength 3/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss AcneAggression Joint Pain | Hurts your joints Manage estrogen in the long run Toxicity | Yes, but not for too long | Andarine S4 |
Anavar | Muscle Retention 4/5 Drying Effects 4/5 Strength 2/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | Toxicity Incredibly Expensive Hard to find the real stuff | Yes, but not for too long | Cardarine |
Compound: Testosterone Propionate
This is going to be the base of most of your cycles, and for good reason. That being said, Testosterone only cycles are still one of the best beginner options. You can’t really go wrong. With an anabolic to androgenic rating of 100:100, it’s going to be the best bang for your buck. Dosing can vary obviously, but in your first cycle less is really more.
Test Propionate has been known to give you a dryer look compared to Cypionate or Enanthate. Really, this doesn’t hold any scientific backing as they all convert to estrogen. However, ask any bodybuilder which one they use in a cutting phase and the answer undeniably is Propionate.
A great SARM alternative would be RAD 140. Providing you with great muscle and strength gains, with fewer androgenic side effects than a Testosterone cycle.
Going on a testosterone cycle will increase the estrogen in your body due to aromatization. But wouldn’t you know, taking an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) will stop most of that! Something like Arimidex as an AI will control estrogen perfectly. Bonus, it’ll give you a dry look.

A post cycle treatment is greatly advised as exogenous Testosterone does shut down the body’s natural Testosterone production, and decreases Luteinizing hormone(LH) and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Something like Clomid can address all of these issues – just watch out for mental side effects.
Compound: Winstrol
Stanozolol is more commonly referred to as Winstrol or Winny. Winstrol is 100% a cutting drug, and a great one at that. A DHT (Dihydrogen Testosterone) is not going to convert into estrogen, and will be great for cutting periods. Unfortunately, this doesn’t make it the best compound to use on its own. See you need a certain amount of estrogen to actually function, and while “estrogenic” compounds (Compounds that do convert into estrogen) are okay for an oral only cycle, those that are “not estrogenic” shouldn’t be run too long as an oral only cycle.
Winny will yield great drying effects, will help you keep a decent amount of strength whilst in your caloric deficit, and will help you achieve that dry look (Not to the extent that Masteron does but still pretty good). Also, take care of your joints.
WINSOL Summary
Winstrol is another steroid used by those looking to lose weight or cut for the summer. Again, this is an illegal compound that will have quite a few side effects.
WIN-MAX is designed by CrazyBulk as a replacement, combining quality ingredients to help you lose fat and potentially even gain muscle as well.
Chromium to make you more insulin sensitive, Carnitine to help your metabolism, and various others to support your fat loss endeavors.
WIN-MAX Overview
⭐️ Top Benefits: Fat Loss
⌛️ Cycle Length: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off
💰 Average Cost: $64.99
❤️🩹 Side Effects: None
=📚 Best Stack: HGH-X2, Clenbutrol, Anvarol, and Trenorol
🌡 PCT Required: No
⚤ Men/Women: Men/Women
Andarine S4 is going to give you a very similar effect to Winstrol, but it also comes with similar sides such as hormonal suppression. Granted, not nearly as bad as Winstrol.
Winstrol is commonly known to wreak havoc on your joints. Bro science says it’s due to the fact that it even dries out your joints. Actual science says it causes a drop in cortisol which does cause joint pain. So manage it. No use you cannot take shirtless pics in the gym to impress bae cause you’re too sore. Come on.
Because Winstrol won’t convert into estrogen, there is no use in using an aromatase inhibitor to manage it. Taking HCG post cycle will enable your testes to start producing their own testosterone, naturally.
Compound: Anavar
Anavar (or just Var for short) is definitely known as the female steroid because it’s actually fairly mild. Regardless, you can still get some great effects from this little compound. Great for a cutting phase (and not bad for a mass phase to be honest) it’ll provide you with strength and shredding effects, giving you a similar look to Winstrol.
Anavar is known as the ‘lady steroid’ due to its mild side effects – but it’s still illegal. It can still cause hair loss, virilization, and low Testosterone. So, what to do?
Well, if you’re looking to get some of the benefits with none of the drawbacks, perhaps ANVAROL would be the thing for you.
A combination of proteins and Amino Acids along with PeakATP is sure to help you slightly in the muscle gaining endeavor.
ANVAROL Overview
⭐️ Top Benefits: Fat Loss
⌛️ Cycle Length: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off
💰 Average Cost: $64.99
❤️🩹 Side Effects: None
=📚 Best Stack: HGH-X2, Winsol, Anvarol, and Trenorol
🌡 PCT Required: No
⚤ Men/Women: Men/Women
Just like Winstrol, it’s a DHT. This means that if you plan to run a Var only cycle, you’re going to be limited with time not only because of liver toxicity, but also because it won’t convert to estrogen and over a long period of time this’ll be problematic.
Cardarine is also known to be a PPAR (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor) and can aid in the metabolism of glucose and fat in the body. A perfect legal alternative to Anavar and greatly welcome in any fat loss stack.

If you’re really looking to get great fat loss effects, combining Var with T4 (Levothyroxine) can really accelerate fat loss whilst minimizing muscle loss. Keep in mind T4 comes with its own host of side effects and other precautions.
Due to the mildness of Anavar, testosterone suppression won’t be that bad compared to other compounds such as exogenous testosterone. Depending on the length and severity of the cycle, you might just get away with a testosterone booster or a PCT supplement rather than a PCT.
Best Beginner Strength Steroids
Compound | Benefits | Side Effects | Precautions | Can it be run alone? | SARM Alternative |
Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate | Muscle Growth 3/5 Recovery 4/5 Strength 3/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | PCT Needed Injectable Manage estrogen | Yes | Testolone RAD 140 |
Dianabol | Muscle Growth 4/5 Recovery 3/5 Strength 3/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | Can be watery Blood pressure issue Manage estrogen Toxicity | Yes | Myostine YK-11 |
Anadrol | Muscle Growth 4/5 Recovery 3/5 Strength 4/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss AcneGreat Aggression Massive toxicity | Blood pressure issue Very toxic to organs | Yes, but not for too long | S 23 |
Compound: Anadrol
A-Bombs. Oxy’s. Anaps. Drol. Nap-50’s. Oxymetholone. Whatever you wanna call it, let’s get one thing straight very quickly – this compound demands respect. Not only in the massive muscle building and strength effects this drug can have, but primarily the side effects it holds. I feel slightly uncomfortable putting this in the beginner category, so maybe intermediate might be a better word.
You can get strong as all hell from these little tablets, but oh boy does it have side effects. Don’t get me wrong, there are no bad drugs, only drugs being used stupidly. In the case of Anadrol, less is definitely more. Go easy, manage your sides, and reap the rewards of being the strongest bro in your gym.
Fight fire with fire. For a SARM alternative you can look at getting yourself some S23. S23 is known as one of the stronger SARMs and will definitely give you massive gains in strength and muscle.
A common side effect with Anadrol is Prolactin. Prolactin has a nasty little trait of making your nipples lactate. Combine this with high estrogen and it’s a recipe for disaster. Cabergoline is the best solution for prolactin side effects, hands down.
The drug ‘Anadrol’ doesn’t conjure images of a good time, but it does conjure images of bloating, aggression, and a poor appetite – not exactly what I was looking for…
ANADROLE was designed to be more forgiving and not make you want to pump out your stomach. As always, this will incorporate various different ingredients working together to give you the best results.
Beet Root Extract for better pumps, Vitamin B6 to lower progesterone, and L-Carnitine for improved energy – what’s not to love?
Unlike Anadrol, this is not illegal and will not impact your liver or hunger.
⭐️ Top Benefits: Muscle growth
⌛️ Cycle Length: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off
💰 Average Cost: $64.99
❤️🩹 Side Effects: None
=📚 Best Stack: D-BAL, DecaDuro, Testo-Max, HGH-X2, and Trenorol
🌡 PCT Required: No
⚤ Men/Women: Men/Women
Anadrol doesn’t convert into estrogen, hence why the table mentioned that it’s not wise to run it for too long. Keep in mind it does act estrogenic in real life situations. It would probably be due to the fact that Anadrol acts like a progestin, which can have Anadrol affect estrogen receptors directly.
Anadrol will however cause testosterone shutdown, so using HCG post cycle can help with that.
Things to keep in mind when using Anadrol
- You need to make sure you take care of your internal organs.
- You will need to manage estrogen and prolactin on cycle.
- Anadrol amplifies what you are and do. If you’re fat and eat bad – it’ll bloat you more. If you’re contest lean, it’ll make you as full as the Shed James Hollingshead.
Best Overall Bulking Cycles, for Advanced Athletes
Option 1: Testosterone, Deca Durabolin, Dianabol
Compound | Benefits | Side Effects | Precautions | SARM Alternative |
Testosterone Base | Muscle Growth 3/5 Recovery 4/5 Strength 3/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | PCT Needed Injectable Manage estrogen | Testolone RAD 140 |
Deca Durabolin | Muscle Growth 5/5 Recovery 4/5 Strength 4/5(Can help with sore joints) | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | Manage estrogen and prolactin Can be watery Blood pressure | Andarine S4 |
Dianabol | Muscle Growth 4/5 Recovery 3/5 Strength 3/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | Can be watery Blood pressure issue Manage estrogen Toxicity | Myostine YK-11 |
Compound: Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin (or Deca for short) is a 19-nortestosterone or more commonly known as a Nandrolone. Nandrolones (Including NPP, Trenbolone) have some very specific effects on the body, but let’s look at Deca now.
Deca is one of the best compounds to use if you’re looking to gain a lot of size. Deca is old and tested, nothing fancy. It just does what it does. You can expect to see a great increase in muscle mass, some strength increase, but there are of course side effects. Sides to look out for are high blood pressure, increase in estrogen and prolactin.
DECA-MAX Summary
Deca or Nandrolone Decaonate is one of the most famous steroids on the market – with one big drawback. Boy oh boy will it blow you up – in a bad way. Bloating is the name of the game with this bad boy.
DECA-MAX was designed to give you some of the benefits of Deca, with far fewer drawbacks – hell yes! As with all the other CrazyBulk products, we’re going to see various ingredients present to help you out.
First, ingredients like Citrulline are going to help you get a better pump. Then Ginseng is going to give you more energy, and Tribulus could help you get stronger as well.
Overall, a suitable option for those looking to get a slight edge in the fitness world.
DECA-MAX Overview
⭐️ Top Benefits: Muscle growth
⌛️ Cycle Length: Non-cycling compound
💰 Average Cost: $64.99
❤️🩹 Side Effects: None
=📚 Best Stack: D-BAL, Testo-Max, HGH-X2, and Trenorol
🌡 PCT Required: No
⚤ Men/Women: Men/Women
Deca does have a tendency to be estrogenic and increase prolactin (why we have the term “Deca-Dick”) so making sure you manage those two is crucial. Also, watch your diet.
LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is going to give you significant gains as a SARM alternative. You can expect a great increase in muscle mass as well as an increase in strength.
I hope by now you know that Deca can influence your estrogen and prolactin greatly. Combine that with a high testosterone dose and you have a recipe for disaster. Controlling your estrogen with an AI like Aromasin will be crucial.
This will shut you down significantly. You will have to do a full PCT, the whole shebang, make sure you cover all the pathways and make sure you’re healthy post cycle. Failure to do so may lead to muscle and libido loss.
Testosterone, Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle
This is an extremely common cycle for more experienced lifters. I would not recommend that you run this cycle as a beginner, as the sum of these compounds can be very intense on your system. Best to run Test first, then Test and Deca/Dbol, and then this cycle.
You can really expect to see massive size and strength gains whilst on this cycle, as well as a significant increase in strength. Due to the Deca your joints will be able to handle a lot of stress – making this a great cycle for off season when you’re Yeah Buddieng it up in the gym.
Side Effects to expect
This cycle does come with its fair share of sides. The first of course is going to be testosterone shutdown but you already know this. The big one to look out for is blood pressure. All three of these compounds can increase your blood pressure significantly, and managing it will be crucial.
Resveratrol Rapid + picture Nuzena
If you don’t wanna be bleeding after a heavy set, then firstly you’re going to have to make sure your diet is on point. Secondly, Resveratrol is a great supplement to invest on because it can manage blood pressure massively – less blood pressure also means better recovery as well.
Precautions to Take
As mentioned, you will have to make sure that your blood pressure is managed during this cycle. Secondly, in the part of the cycle where you take Dianabol, you will need to take some sort of organ support. Orals do need to go through the first pass and can affect organs like liver and kidneys.
You’ll also need to make sure you manage estrogen and prolactin. Depending on the dose you’re going to take and how sensitive you are to those two, you might need to invest in an AI and Cabergoline.
Aromasin and Cabergoline Picture
SARM Stack Alternative
To get a great bulking stack from SARMs you’ll need to combine a few ones together to get a great synergy. A common combo is something like ADVANCE LEVEL BULK from Behemoth Labz which combines LGD 4033, MK-677, 4-Andro and YK-11.
Option 2: Testosterone, Trenbolone, Anadrol
Compound | Benefits | Side Effects | Precautions | SARM Alternative |
Testosterone Base | Muscle Growth 3/5 Recovery 4/5 Strength 3/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression | PCT Needed Injectable Manage estrogen | Testolone RAD 140 |
Trenbolone | Muscle Growth 5/5 Recovery 5/5 Strength 5/5 Side Effects 5/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Aggression Anxiety | Manage prolactin Massive aggression Blood pressure Great toxicity High Anxiety | There are none |
Anadrol | Muscle Growth 4/5 Recovery 3/5 Strength 4/5 | Testosterone Shutdown Hair Loss Acne Great Aggression Massive toxicity | Blood pressure issue Very toxic to organs | S 23 |
Compound: Trenbolone
Ah Trenbolone. Tren. I can feel the anxiety and strength already! Also the cough.. Trenbolone is another Nandrolone (technically it’s a Nandrolone derivative). Trenbolone is really one of the most famous steroids on the market. For good, and not so good reasons.
Firstly, the good. Tren will literally change your life. It will seemingly break the law of physics, as you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. You will look better, get stronger, have more aggression in the gym, and just be a massive monster in the gym.
The bad. Oh boy. Don’t run this. Just don’t. If you’re looking for validation to run this compound you just are not ready for its effects. Let’s ramble them off. Night sweats, anxiety, depression, severe aggression, massive toxicity, feeling unwell, Tren-dick, and lastly it can make life less enjoyable. It binds to serotonin receptors in your brain, thus things that usually make you happy, just don’t.
You will have to pay great attention to your health and body when you start running Tren. The effects can sneak up on you, so make sure you use something like Total Human from Onnit to make sure you have enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in your body because you are definitely going to need it.
You will not be running Trenbolone alone. It will most likely be part of a larger stack, therefore you will need something to reignite your Testosterone and LH levels to make sure you remain healthy and a functioning male. Also, you might need to rebuild some friendships after running Tren.
Testosterone, Trenbolone and Anadrol Cycle
First off, this cycle is for the most advanced. This will mess you up. Even Rich Piana said this cycle is so powerful that he only used it when he absolutely needed it. It will make you insanely powerful, stronger than you’ve ever been before. You will be full, strong and just an absolute monster in the gym.
Side Effects to expect
All of them! Lord. The Tren will make you an anxious mess, the combo of Tren and Anadrol will make you an anxious and angry mess. The combo of the Testosterone, Tren, and Anadrol will make you a powerful, anxious, and angry mess! You will need to be in touch with your “why”, this cycle is not for the feeble.
You can expect anger, blood pressure, cholesterol issues, acne, night sweats, prolactin sides, liver toxicity, anti-social effects, and just a feeling of unwellness.
Be careful.
Taurine is a nifty little supplement to take during this cycle. Taurine can help with your liver, heart, and just fighting the radical damage that this cycle will cause your body. You will still need to live incredibly healthy, and manage other things like anger, but Taurine might help quite a bit.
Yeah man this cycle will mess you up royally. If you wanna play with the big dogs, you gotta take the punches that come along with it. Combining Clomid and Nolva will make sure you cover both pathways for LH and FSH restoration, HCG will also help LH levels and Cabergoline will fight the inevitable prolactin sides you will have.
Best Overall Cutting Cycles, for Advanced Athletes
Option 1: Testosterone, Masteron, Winstrol, Clenbuterol
Compound | Benefits | Side Effects | Precautions | SARM Alternative |
Testosterone Propionate | Muscle Retention 4/5Drying Effects 2/5Strength 3/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossAcneAggression | PCT NeededInjectableManage estrogen | Testolone RAD 140 |
Masteron | Muscle Retention 3/5Drying Effects 5/5Strength 2/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair Loss | Hair loss will be significant | LGD 3033 |
Winstrol | Muscle Retention 4/5Drying Effects 3/5Strength 3/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossAcneAggressionJoint Pain | Hurts your jointsManage estrogen in the long runToxicity | S 23 |
Clenbuterol | Muscle Retention 3/5Drying Effects 3/5Fat Loss 4/5 | TremorsSweatingIrregular Heartbeat | Do not overdoseCan make you feel terrible | LGD 3033 |
Compound: Masteron
Drostanolone or Masteron is probably one of the best cutting drugs on the market, and one of the most popular – for good reason really. It is extremely mild in its side effects, the only real one being that it will really accelerate hair loss if you are prone to it in the first place. It will really complete and polish an already clean and lean physique.
This is truly the finishing touch to a great physique already and won’t really accelerate fat loss much further as much as just slightly controlling your estrogen and giving you a dryer look.
Prostate Support Nuzena Picture
While the only immediate side effects of Masteron are only a bit of hair loss and Testosterone shutdown, it would be wise to also take care of your prostate. Over time, exogenous hormones can make your prostate grow and unlike your jacked arms, a jacked prostate isn’t good. Masteron does have a tendency to act upon your prostate.
Compound: Clenbuterol
Clen, the number one fat loss PED most people reach for… and then people immediately leave alone due to sides such as anxiety, trembling, etc. Perhaps a legal alternative is better?
Clenbutrol (yes, a small difference) is going to be the next best thing for you to reach for if you’re looking to lose some more weight.
Ingredients like Bitter Orange and Garcinia can help with increasing your metabolism and losing fat. Stacked with a good diet and training plan, it’ll be well worth it.
⭐️ Top Benefits: Fat loss
⌛️ Cycle Length: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off
💰 Average Cost: $64.99
❤️🩹 Side Effects: None
=📚 Best Stack: HGH-X2, Winsol, Anvarol, and Trenorol
🌡 PCT Required: No
⚤ Men/Women: Men/Women
Clenbuterol or Clen is again just a classic cutting drug. Usually, a big concern with thermogenic cutting drugs like Clen is muscle loss. In reality, Clen is actually anti catabolic in humans and anabolic in some animals. Providing you a great boost in metabolism, this little compound will really ramp up your fat loss.
Of course it comes with its own host of sides. Tremors, a tad of anxiety, sweats, heat (obviously), heart palpitations and just kind of feeling that your body might be in overdrive.
Option 1: Testosterone, Masteron, Winstrol, Clenbuterol
Barring things like gH and T3, this is actually what the pro’s run for a show (also just exclude the hours and hours of work and dieting). This is a very solid, stable, and reliable cycle that you can expect some great results from. The only thing to really watch out for is the DHT combo from the Masteron and Winstrol which can of course cause hair loss and prostate growth. Normal Testosterone can cause this too, but only significantly at high doses.
Side Effects to expect
Hair loss, prostate growth, joint pain from the winstrol, and then of course the individual sides from Clenbuterol. These can vary greatly from person to person, as some people can be very sensitive to this. You will of course feel very down due to the deficit and cardio, but suck it up. At least the Masteron will increase your libido like you’re 14 again and you just discovered Angelina Jolie.
Joint Oil Onnit Picture
It’s widely known that Winstrol will wreck your joints. And if you’re doing The King Ronnie proud you’ll still be liftin’ heavy ass weights while you cut. Result: Your joints will hurt like a mofo. Honestly the only support you’ll need on this cycle is a joint support formula as it’ll go a long, long way. Post cycle, yeah you’ll need a full blown PCT.
You can of course add other compounds such as Trenbolone, T3, Anavar, and even Anadrol (close to the competition if you’re hella lean) to really push it. Be advised that this can obviously massively increase side effects and decisions should not be taken lightly.
Best Overall Strength Cycles, for Advanced Athletes
Option 1: Testosterone, Deca Durabolin, Dianabol
Compound | Benefits | Side Effects | Precautions | SARM Alternative |
Testosterone Base | Muscle Growth 3/5Recovery 4/5Strength 3/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossAcneAggression | PCT NeededInjectableManage estrogen | Testolone RAD 140 |
Deca Durabolin | Muscle Growth 5/5Recovery 4/5Strength 4/5(Can help with sore joints) | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossAcneAggression | Manage estrogen and prolactinCan be wateryBlood pressure | Andarine S4 |
Dianabol | Muscle Growth 4/5Recovery 3/5Strength 3/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossAcneAggression | Can be wateryBlood pressure issueManage estrogenToxicity | Myostine YK-11 |
Yup. Exactly the same as the Option 1 of Best Overall Bulking Cycle. It’s that effective. Just watch your blood pressure please. Now, if you really wanna play with the big boys and do a 400kg squat, you might look at something like this.
Option 2: Testosterone, Trenbolone, Anadrol, Halotestin
Compound | Benefits | Side Effects | Precautions | SARM Alternative |
Testosterone Base | Muscle Growth 3/5Recovery 4/5Strength 3/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossAcneAggression | PCT NeededInjectableManage estrogen | Testolone RAD 140 |
Trenbolone | Muscle Growth 5/5Recovery 5/5Strength 5/5Side Effects 5/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossAcneAggressionAnxiety | Manage prolactinMassive aggressionBlood pressureGreat toxicityHigh Anxiety | There are none |
Anadrol | Muscle Growth 4/5Recovery 3/5Strength 4/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossAcneGreat AggressionMassive toxicity | Blood pressure issueVery toxic to organs | S 23 |
Halotestin | Muscle Growth 2/5Recovery 3/5Strength 4/5Aggression 5/5 | Testosterone ShutdownHair LossMassive Aggression | Aggression | There are none |
Compound: Halotestin
If you’re the type of guy who gets violently upset when your team loses, or the type of person who has ever fallen into brutal dismay when a waiter got your Five Guys order wrong – skip this compound.
Okay let’s cut to the chase. Halotestin (or Halo or Fluoxymesterone if you’re nasty) is almost solely an aggression and strength drug. This will not give you massive gains. This drug will not give you a consistent increase in strength, partly because you really shouldn’t run this consistently, but also just because it sucks at building mass.
That being said, this is the ultimate pre workout drug – ever. Yup, orals can be utilized as pre workout boosters. Combining this bad boy with a healthy fat such as Omega Fatty Acids (get your Omega 3’s kids) 40 – 60 minutes before a workout and boy oh boy. PB’s be falling. It can also increase fat loss
Side effects with this compound are obviously aggression. Halo can make you massively aggressive, but that can be utilized on a cut. See Halo doesn’t make you any heavier it really just makes you stronger. So you should see a great increase of power to weight ratio!
Of course you see the normal side effects, hair loss, changes in libido, cholesterol issues, and acne.
Halotestin can be very useful in a cutting environment to keep strength at an all time high even though your calories are low.
Option 2: Testosterone, Trenbolone, Anadrol, Halotestin
This is, for lack of a better word, quite an aggressive cycle. But, that’s exactly what you want in a strength cycle. Testosterone will cover all the basics of recovery and anabolism. Trenbolone will massively increase strength in this cycle, combined with Anadrol and Halo you will be unstoppable!
Side Effects to expect
The normal AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) side effects will run rampant of course. Cholesterol, high blood pressure, acne, hair loss, and of course Testosterone shut down. More specifically, aggression. Not only will Trenbolone already drive you to be anti-social, but adding the Anadrol and Halotestin atop that will just make you impossible to be around.
Do not run this for long. This is a brutal cycle and can wreak havoc on your liver (two orals, go figure), and will destroy relationships. It will.
Off Cycle Organ Cleanser Behemoth Picture
First thing you need to get, some sort of organ support. The trifecta of Trenbolone, Anadrol and Halotestin will be so bad on your organs, you need to make sure you look after your organs because it will wreck you. From there, you can also look at an AI or SERM, as well as the obvious PCT.
Other Compounds that you can use
Compound: Proviron
Proviron is an exceptionally low impact drug. Mostly used in a cutting phase, but only as an add on. Can have a slight anti estrogenic effect, so it may help you with looking dryer, leaner, and more aesthetic. Won’t be great for muscle building. Side effects are mostly testosterone shutdown, hair loss and issues with cholesterol.
Compound: T3 purerawz stock this
T3 is purely for cutting. You cannot use this drug to gain muscle. In fact, this drug will make you lose muscle if you do not manage it properly. T3 (or Triiodothyronine) is what’s converted from T4 (or Thyroxine) which is produced by your own thyroid gland. Your body will only convert enough T4 as is necessary, and in fact in a cut even less will convert as a conservation effort by the body.
T3 is the compound which influences your body’s metabolism. It increases metabolism and causes your body to literally burn calories faster. This includes fat! Unfortunately, it also includes muscle. I wouldn’t use T3 unless I was also running some anabolics as well.
Compound: NPP
Nandrolone phenylpropionate is essentially a short chain version of Deca Durabolin. Now that doesn’t sound like much, but this offers a phenomenal opportunity for experimentation. A long acting compound will only begin to affect you in about 2 weeks of taking the initial dose (compound dependent of course) and if you have a bad reaction? Well, bad luck. The half life will result in the compound remaining in your blood and negatively affecting you for another 1-2 weeks. If you react badly to a fast acting compound? Stop using it, and the sides will be gone in a few days. So, NPP can be “safer” and “easier” to use. “Science”.
Compound: Primobolan
Primobolan (Primo or Methenolone enanthate) is a very mild steroid. It will not result in a great increase in muscle mass, but still a substantial amount. Not overly “wet” or “dry” in any sense, just a nice addition to a Testosterone base cycle. Will minimal serious side effects, it can be a great compound if used correctly.
Compound: Equipoise
Equipoise (EQ or Boldenone undecylenate) is one of the other compounds we can use, predominantly on a bulking phase. Known as the compound you need to run for at least 10 weeks before the effects really become noticeable. EQ was originally used predominantly for horses, and that’s why you;ll often hear people refer to it as the Veterinary Steroid. EQ is also often described as a “dryer” Deca Durabolin, and that isn’t exactly 100% true. Will it be less harsh on water gains than Deca? Perhaps. The big determining factors are still going to be genetics, training, and of course diet. Regardless, practice good health by taking care of your health markers and organs whilst dabbling in EQ.
The big drawback with Steroids
Steroids have side effects, and a lot of them. Not just something like your testicles shutting down, but way more intense stuff such as cancer, being left impotent, permanent mental damage, infections from injections, losing limbs due to those infections, and then just the social image. If you aren’t comfortable walking around looking like someone who obviously takes steroids, then don’t take them.
It’s a very small thing, but using steroids has been shown to change you mentally. You are more assertive, your relationship might suffer if your partner isn’t 100% in tune with your “why” and it can ruin relationships as a result. My advice is to stay away. Really.
However, SARMs are a bit different.
SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) only bind to the androgen receptors, this means they don’t bind to the receptors in other parts of the body such as the prostate. They also do not raise estrogen, nor do they convert into DHT. Because of these reasons, they have massively less sides compared to steroids.
Fat Loss SARMs:
Fat loss SARMs work on the principle that they increase your metabolism, increasing lipolysis, and also by a secondary function if they increase muscle mass your natural metabolism is also increased. Andarine S4, Ostarine MK 2866, and Cardarine are some of the best fat loss SARMs you can get your hands on currently.
Muscle Gain SARMs:
Muscle gaining SARMs work by binding to androgenic receptors in muscles, which then signal the DNA to create changes which are similar to those induced by Testosterone. This includes muscle mass increase, muscle strength increase, and a certain aesthetic look of muscle density. Some of the most popular Muscle Gain SARMs are Testolone RAD 140, Myostine YK-11, Ostarine MK 2866, and LGD-4033.
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