The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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C) VAIMEMPOIIPMMMSNIMINLJOIL111111aionikAilk Miliniailisimammmannimodosialtaidailltk 1 SECTION FOUR PAGE SIXTEEN TITE CHARLOTTE OBSERVEn The Foremost Newspaper of 7'hr 7'wo Carolinas SUNDAY TUNE 1 1939 ro0 1 FUNERAL HELD IN MIAMI TRIANGLE Want Ads FOR WIFE OF LOCAL MAN SETS SCHEDULE It Si TO 311I tNEE110 11IOICAL I I I I IF I I 4 Special Notices LAD1Es A AT To a world accustomed to Mil seeing him in military poses Germany's Adolf flitter showed off a more gallant side at a recent Berlin reception here's Der Fuehrer escorting the wife of Italian Ambassador Bernardo Atte lico into the room He's wearing his new white uniform dinner jacket for the first time The party honored Italy's Count News was reveivud here yester- II MEET dav of the deh of Mrs Annie A Group Will Meet rattorsn ut Alex Patterson 11 or 215 IM Eat orthingto AVCP Mrs Patterson died on June 4 pt Twice a Month Instead of Weekly During Summer RELIEF DIETS INSERT AN An In The Atiguite Chrenicle the oldest newspaper in the South cmeri ng a very rich Aert ton The Siinclav Chronicle is nn cf the beq claifted mediums in lite South Rates 2c prr nrj Alinirnurn of 15 words IlkElVTRTISE in The Newport New iVal Daily Press and Tlineii-Iterrild sson9 readers 2c a word both papers Mini MIMI charge 50c Nutritive Effect of Surplus Commodities Program Will Be Determined the hnme of her daughter Mrs Alvin Osborne in Miami Fla She State Convention of Doctors had been spending the winter in Florida Burial was in Miami 10 Dentists and Pharmacists to Be Held at Smith 2 HOUSING JOBS TO BE LET SOON 21AssiFiEn ADS IN The Ledger-E citi! rr papers Columbus GR will produce the desired results All classified advertising sold on combination basis your Ad appears in two papers for the price of one Rates 18e per line Minimum charge 3 lines Over Ig500 circulation ddLv Population of greater columbits 80000 Officials of Authority to Advertise Projects at an Early Date I The Blue Triarglo league ef the Charlotte Young Women's Christian association has begun its sum tner schedule and wilt meet twice a month instead of once each week it was announced yesterday The next meeting will be held at Camp Latta on Monday evening June 26 The Carlotta club is raking A ti for conference delegates Misses Hazel Morgan Mildred Lippard and Ellen Burrell The club will meet it its club room at the A Tuesday night for a theater party The Wednesday Night club held its final meeting of the year in the recreation lounge of the Elks river club Wednesday night 10 The Old North State 'Medical Dental and PharmaceAical Society's program vil1 hold its 52nd annual convention Jure 20 21 and 22 at the Johnson Smith university as guests of the Charlotte Medical society BUY SELL HIRE and locate through the classified columns of The Johnson City Press-Chronicle Circulation over 14000 daily thoroughly covering East Tennesee Smith Virginia and Western 3c per word 1st insertion fic per word 3 insertions to per word per week 20c per word for 15 days 33e per word per month WANT ADS in The Danville Register and Bee produce the desired results 75000 daily readers in thP heart of the Old Bright Tobseco Belt Rates 2'se a word Sunday 3c word Both rate Address Register and Bee Danville Va THE OBSERVER Largest circulation (morning or evening) in the two Carolinas Persons not living in Charlotte may place want ads with their local Observer agent RATES Pates for residents of Charlotte may be obtained by phoning 7121 If you live outside of Charlotte the following rates apply: Number of Cost Per Word Days Run Per Day 1 or 2 days 4c word daily 3 consecutive 3c word daily 7 consecutive 2c word daily Example: 12 words 7 days $1 68 mint each Initial and eaehtgroup liglitC3 33 one word Include name and address in counting word or emmt two words for blind address Minimum charge 12 worsts Three or seven time ads Droduce better tesuits and cost 'es ti per loser hon Ads may be stopped at any lime and charge will be made for only the number of days the ad actually appeared at the rate earned Charged ads will be accepted over the telephone fur all classifications except -Situations Wanted These accommodation charges are for the convenience of our patrons and payment is due within 3 days after in serf ion The al taker will gladly assist you It demired to that the copy of your ad is prepared In such a manner as to bring the greateat results for VOLI ERRORS The Obaerver 13 responxible for only one incorrect Insertion and then only to the extent of the coat of tho ad Errors should be reported immediately after the first appearance of the ad CA NCELLATIONYi When discontinuing art ad mak for your "kill number" Pits number is proof that the ad has been ordered slopped and no claim for adjustment wit he allowed unless the number can be given CENSORSHIP Alt aria are restricted to theft proper classifiartions and to the regular Observer style of type and are subJect to editing or refection The pot icy of The Observer is to publish only truthful advertiseinents and any ad not conforming to the beet business ethics should ne reported immediately to the office Stetson Company Head Meg PHILADELPHIA June i George Mackinnon 57 president of the John Stetson Hat complans pony died today He went to work for Stetson's in 1900 and succeeded the late Howell Cummings as president in 1928 1 IF YOU WANT to cover the active and prosperous Piedmont section nt South Carolina use the Want Ad columns of The Anderson C) Independent morning and Sunday) and The DaliY Mail eveningi two of South Carolina's leading newspapers These papers hme a combined reader audience of over an000 people Two papers at one low price 3c per word one tnserlion 7r per word 3 insertions mint- ta MUM 45r Address Independent end Daily Mail Classif ied Dept Anderson Wit 110 r1 tfirrrt NA NV 1 -gr' --i'''-' -'2! Or' 'i'''' di iii40 it' iL 4 if 'kE' i i-5' 4 gr se A i-r 4 0 r-c io''- 's- 's-: '41 -1-7 13'-) eoseeltiOr i i 4 Kiti41 i4 1 ii N''''- I 0 I ilza 2 4 4 4 i 1 1 3'''- 4: 'ti! 000' Z- 4 1'' 1 4 1 1: 4q z'' Ni iW I I N' '-i'i -e i4 i 41440444 1 1 1gl 40 :4 :4 nr A4 7 4- )i'11'Ni: 004 ''''s 5 4 :::4::: 15 4 ''7 1 1 4: 4 riii ilia i i ROCHESTER June 17--()P) Sam vitt turn next week tn a study of the dietetic effect of the $47545 worth of surplus commodities distributed to relief clients in the government's first month's experiment with food stamps The Department of Agriculture's bureau of home economics will attempt to determine definitely whether the clients' diets are more nutritive and better balanced since Inauguration here May 16 of the plan designed primarily to stimulate business and increase consumption of surplus foods Latham White local representa-! tive of the Federal Surplus Commodities corporation said $95090 worth of orange stamps good for any item except beer and tobacco in the city's grocery stores was purchased the first month With each dollar's purchase of orange stamps the clients received free 50 cents worth of blue stamps with which to buy surplus commodities to make the total food distribution worth $142635 At present surplus foods are butler eggs flour citrus cornmeal and dry beans Yesterday last day of the first month of operation brought orange stamp sales of $27162 for a new single day's high The previous record was $22348 June 1 Blue stamps issued totalled $13584 and wient to 2799 purchasers of the orange stamps compared to 2488 June I While local Agriculture department officials termed the program "a complete success" Philip McGuire vice president of the FSCC in Washington declared operation of the stamp plan here shows no major changes in the original setup are necessary It is still too early to determine whether the long-term objectives will be achieved he said The experiment will continue two more months A similar plan is under operation in Dayton Ohio sod another one is starting at Seattle Wash SAYS 3 THINGS BLOCK RECOVERY Business Leader Calls For Clarification of Labor Laws 11 and Tax Revision and Professional Charlotte ROCK HILL is a good town and It has a first class daily papPr thoroughly covering Its territory the classified advertising columns of The Evening Herald for results 2c per word first insertion and lc per word each uhequent consecutive insertion Mintmurn rate per insertion Address The Ecning Herald Bock Hill LAUNDRIES SPECIAL LESSONS in Mi 4h-Jong by ex perieneed teacher Ileasnnable rates Phone 2-0609 Mecklenburg Laundry Co Dial 2-2144 and 2-2145 We Laundry for the Entire Farnilv HONESTY PAIL Finders of lost sander' advertised here please take notice: After you have tetUrned the ankle to the loser go to The Observer cMce where you wit be presented with two free tick eta to the Buhr Theater to see the current attraction METALS After the preliminaries of regis- With architects busy completing trillion trict an executive board plans for Cha rlotte's two low-cost meeting the Fession will i housing projects officials of the get under way Tuesday June 20 Charlotte Housing authority are at 8 me Dr Greene Rea Char- preparing to go forward with adlotte city health officer Dr Edson vertising for bids as soon as pos: Blackman of Charlotte chairman sible of the commission On hospitaliza- Edwin Jones chairman of the tion and Dr Delany presi- authority said yesterday that bids Will be advertised for and con- dent of the society will be the principal speakers Dr Thomas tract awarded as soon as the final plans have been completed and ap- Watkins of Charlotte introduce tile president Dr Blackman's paper proved by the United States Hous- will be titled "Hospitalization" ing authority He hopes to get work Election of officers is scheduled begun in the late summer 12 for Tuesday evening The present I roster follows: Dr Delany of Raleigh president: Dr Beck- I- ford of Henderson president-elect 1 I Dr Thomas Watkins of Charlotte first vice president Dr RI Al Wyche of Charlotte second vice president Dr Davis of Lilling- ton recording secretary and Dr Clyde Donnell of Durham seere-i In The Business tary and treasurer 1 On Wednesday June 21 at the afternoon session Dr Luther Life of Kelly Dr John Kennedy and Clarence Kuester of Charlotte will be the main speaker Wednes- day evening Mayor Ben Douglas will extend welcome to the AUTO REPAIRING REBUILD all makes of and delegates Dr Henry McCrorey cars president of Johnson Smith uni- trucks Cochran Regrinding Co 225 versitv will extend welcome on College St Phone 3-7205 behalf of the schools There will ARMY-NAVY GOODS be other addresses and musical pro- Nlilitary and Camping Outfits Bargain grams Prices Thursday's sessions will again ARMY-NAVY STORE introduce well-known men in the 307 at Trade St medical profession Among the speakers will be Dr Addison AUTO PARTS Flrenizer and Dr Miller of ARMSTIIONGS 1 Charlotte Used Auto Parts Co In the dental section meeting Statesville Road Dial 3-11180 Wednesday Dr Robert Hen- AUTOS FOR RENT 1 dricks professor of dentistry of Rent a New Car Howard university will conduct a DRIVE IT YOUR SELF INC table clinic Guest clinician will Ito Church St Phone 3-4513 be Dr William Madison also of Howard university BARBER SHOPS The program for all sessions Is Fxpert Barber Well rounded with discussions din- SELWYN HOTEL BARBER SHOP ics and special papers Selwyn Hotel- Phone 2-3030 Officers of the Charlotte Medical Expert Barbers to Serve You Society playing host are Dr Sterl- MINGUS BARBER SHOP in Hogans president: Dr 323 Trade St Baths Thompson Brodie vice president BFAUT PARLORS Dr Robert Greene secretary LADY FAIR BEAUTY SALON and Dr Albert Williams treas- CJ Expert Operators 1 Oren 1101 Tryon Dial 3-1873 The Old North Slate 'Medical UndThe 1-Minill'e wave 1: Dental and Pharmaceutical SocieFASHION BEAUTY SHOP tv is heralded as 'the oldest negro 103 Ttyon St Phone 2-3504 medical society in the world! 7 GOLEY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 1218 ----0----- Davidson Home of Better Permanents Dial 3-6539 CAROLINIANS GET BLACKSMITH-WELDING ARMY ADVANCES CLAUDE FLILHRIGHT 'Meehanical and Ornamental Blacksmith War Department Promotes of trig and Welding 325-29 Stonewall Phone 8324-5438 Second Lieutenants to Rank nrITMVC MALTVRIAT Edwin Jones chairman of the authority said yesterday that bids will be advertised for and con- tract awarded as soon as the final have been completed and ap- proved by the United States Hous- ing authority He hopes to get work begun in the late summer 12 WHO'S In The Business Life of BUILDING MATERIAL 13 I 1 1 you know 021000 people reside within a 50-mila radius of The Spartanburg C) Herald (morning) and The Spartanburg Journal (evenings Semi your classified ad before this prosperous Piedmont section Two-paper coverage for the price Of one Mail copy early The Spartanburg Herald and Journal Spartanburg 1 Lost and Found Southern Metals Co Cagh For All Kinds of Metal 3on Graham St Phone 3-5525 MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS IF YOUR lost dog la not at the City Dog round off Shuman Avenue advertise for it here 10 Furnished Rooms New Mattresses Old Ones Sterthred Renovated Converted Into Deep Innerspring Mattresses DILWORTH mArrnEss CO 124 Tremont Ave Phone 2 2412 POCKETBOOK Dilworth post office Dapers rionri'r Champion Re-arch 3-3721 ATTRACTIVE nffer Inr young men rinse in twin beds ressonsble 7338 2-3837 MEN'S FURNISHINGS LOST NP York driver's license hotel credit csrds Liberal re are! return tn A Cunninghsm 301 Int St Chariot for Holly vsts lot South 6(4 Templeton Ave 3-4075 Complete Line Pants Sweaters Shirts THE MODERN NI-ENS SHOP 23 5 East Trade St windows lattice doom private entrance Continuous hot water 725 Providence rid MOVING BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED roornie sections of city Duncan's Room Rental Service 2-2P97 IA Travel Opportunities CLOSE cnrner room Private bath Maid service Dial 9387 Warren Transfer Co Moving Storage 1109 Boulevard Dial 3-7151 Harris Bros Transfer Co PLAN IIIJOITIONMAI CLEMENT AVE quirt corner room one or two men 2-1391 CORNER bed room next to bath close in Garace Gentlemen preferred Phone 2-2679 after 7 tn Iikt-- Fast Motor Freight Carolinas to New York Master Furniture Movers Insured carrier 17001 South Boulevard Phone 5O71-11q42 CONDUCTED WORLDS 'FAIR TOURS Steamer Train Pan-American Bum CAROLINA TRAVEL SERVICE Comm Bank Bldg Phone 6057 NEW YORK WORLD FAIR TOURS Every Monday Crenop Industrial Boat train bus $2200 up Tar Heel Tours Raleigh CLOSE IN-113 East 7th Desirable furnished room Phone 6964 RING TRANSFER CO Years Experience Moving Household Furniture Reasonable Prices Dial 21612 CLOSE 2 Garland Court Very nice bedroom Heat shower tub Unusually cool Business people 2-2273 MEAT MARKETS i CAMBRIDGE Mass June 17--'roR DonREHRT Cowley president of the National Association of Manu-' facturers asserted today that the I I three main "requisites' for recov- REPORT MADE were clarification of the government's attitude toward business Three Scholarships to Birm- Director Gourley Shows In-clarification of labor laws and revision of taxes ingham Choir to Be Awarded crease in Activity Over Last 'No modification or repeal of a single legislative enactment will re- ill Asheville June 23 year Says Staff Overworked store confidence and bring recov Ann Arbor Mich or vicinity Share expemen Phone 8074 Quality Meats nobards Market lt2A Trade St Ph 3-5444 We Deliver DILWORTH business women de-- lightful room in modern cool insulated home semi-private bath Exceptional opportunity and privileges for desirable person 3-2063 WORLD FAIR Thum train 7 davs all expennes paid $4150 Call Harmon Morton 2-2228 MILL REMNANTS 2 Personal twin bedroom bath has shower Nice home 'Mahn' Gentlemen 2-1417 Cotton Goods Upholstery and Decorat Ive Fabrics MILL Ft EMNANTS CO 519 Trade St Rulane Gas is Clean ELIZABETH Very attractive room adjointng bath apartment with of First Lieutenant Bost Bldg Equip Co 914 Fourth St Phone SO44 Screens NVeatherstrip Rubber Tile Asphalt Tile Linowal Metal Moldings Disappearing Stairs told the Harvard Business School Alumni association "What is needed above all else is a clear definite and unequivocal recognition by both administrative and legislative branches of the national government that the private enter prise system is the fundamental basis of our future prosperity and progress and that it must therefore be preserved protected and en mess cnoot Alumni "What is needed above all else is a clear definite and unequivocal rye- ognition by both administrative and legislative branches of the national government that the private enter- prise system is the fundamental of our future prosperity and progress and that it must therefore be preserved protected and en- COAL Quit Coal Lnwt Priresi COCHRANE ROSS COAL CO 610 Sixth St rhnn 714 1 Three scholarships to the famous A report showing a busy month Apollo Boys' Choir of Birmingham for May was made yesterday by Ala are being offered to boys of James Gourely director of the North Carolina who have a know! Charlotte Public library edge of music and a gnod singing The report showed a total of 2855 voice Auditions for the scholar- books catalogued during the month FhlpS will be held in Asheville at which is an increase of 1902 volbasis the George Vanderbilt hotel on Fri-times over May of last year and is day June 23 almost 600 more than were added in The auditions will be conducted April of this year Mr Gourley couraged by Coleman Cooper director of more than three-fourths of the 'Investors large and small" he choir Boys between the ages of' books catalogued went to school said "must be encouraged to put nine and 13 may compete Contest- branches and declared that the load their savings into private enter- ants must be prepared to sing Rtifor the cataloguing staff had been prise by giving them an opportun- least two songs from memory should entirely too heavy for the present ity for a return commensurate with present report cards showing better fiscal i year Bad it not been for the risk involved" than average grades two letters of the assistance received from the reeonimenciation and a health eeter ing of school books could r- library project the catalogu- Labor relations he said were dis- WPA tificate Those planning ooenn ti turbed because of a national labor not have relations act "which started on the contests have been asked I been undertaken he said Mrs IL Davis 16 Carolina three false assumptions: 1011rV1 ObA ntux vs es et cm li a CONTRACTORS OPTOMETRISTS GOING TO THE FAIR! young couple 3-6765 Atlanta family hying New York close DR- nonFirrs fair will rent room tn Southerners EDGEHILL 900--Large ightfu room OPTOMETRIST Write for reservation Office 912 1'20 connecting both quiet private home ell Eyes Examined Scientific yv ally Greenich Street New York ('Its' Glasses fitted becomingly -Gentleman 7347 NOTICE TO TAXPAYER OE FURNISHED or unfurnished corner boil- 11 VI Tryon St Phone 2- NI ECHLENBURG COUNTY 1214 room walking di t' stance business co 1 DRS PALMER at WIKE This is to notify taxpayers of Meek- pie 1024 West Trade OPTOMETRISTS lenburg County that the Mecklenburg urtNISIIED room heat hot water reaEyes exAmined Glasses fitted Corn- Board 'If Commissioners sitting! Boilable Apply after 630 119 Myers plete Laboratory Service Dial 3-8 i 540 a Board of Equallzation and Review 317-A Tryon St Oppo Library will convene at the County Court liouseMYERS PARK-Large airy corner bed----- Monday JUI10 12th 1939 at I() o'clock room private bath gentleman pre DR A ALEXANDER A NI for the purpose of hearing corn- ferred Phone 3-I668 Optometrist plaints from any taxpa yers that aY ryes Examined-Glasses Fitted MYERS PARK-Two cool quiet spacious) desite to appear be isai oar fore Bd in Laboratory Service regard rooms insulated house Household 1 he placed upon 103T Tryon St Phone 2-38 properly for 37 constst one person Garage 3-4649 their valuation the Year 1939 on a c- PALMER'S count of any change in valuation due ROOM NEATLY furnished coot end Optometrists to improvements or otherwise clean close in for business people A Complete Optometrie Service The board will adjourn from lime to 8729 Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted- time as ill! duties may require until Laboratory Service July 3rd 1939 SHERWOOD AVE-Attractive furnished cool bed room private home Gentle 3n2 Tryon St Phone 3-77911 In all CASC where the taxpayer fails ll 3 to appear before the Hoard during the me" enlY Ca -1989 PLUMBING BEATING perm(' prescribed by law the heated room valuation PLUMBING and Heating contracting and by the Super- vior of Taxanon of Meckinburg Co-tin- 3-1542 on his property as fixed Bus line Private home Gentlemen WEST MAT 408-Lovely ner Plumbing repairing Free estimates Ft Heating Co Ph 4752 1 tV Will he approved WALNUT 920 Cool nicely furnished This the first dav of June 193e young couple 3-6765 BATSON Constructors Building' a Sales BIWA Throtteh Easy Payment Ilan 195 Park Ave Phone 3-5792 CAFES ASTOR CAFE "Open MI Night" 133 South Tryon Street Sprrial to The Ohserver WASHINGTON JIITIP 17 'rho War department today announced the promotion of a large number of second lieutenants to the grade of first lieutenant with rank from June 12 1939 Officers from North Carolina promoted are William Beard of New Bern corps of engineers: Peter Garland Jr of Gastonia infantry: Turner Rogers of Statesville air corps and William Covington of Rockingham air corps South Carolinians given similar promotions are William Conner Jr of Spartanburg Orville Stokes of Darlington and William NVestmoreland of Pacelot field artillery William Kinnard Jr of Spartanburg coast artillery and Elmer Grubb of Barnwell infantry The following first lieutenants from North Carolina were promoted to the grade of captain with rank from June 13: Frank Blue Jr of Fairmont corps of engineers Robert Cook of Winston-Salem infantry: Thomas Smothers Jr of Winston-Salem quartermaster corps and Thomas Griffin of Goldsboro Infantry The War department also announced that First Lieutenant Frank Vines Haynes air corps reserve officer of Clyde now at Randolph Field Texas will be continued on active duty until June 15 1940 TIL iiiii AlligLUIL tilti TV IlliCilti NVectmoreland of Pace lot field art i tery William Kinnard Jr of Snartanburg coast artillery and Elmer 1 Grubb of Barnwell in- fantry The following first lieutenants from North Carolina were promoted to the grade of captain with rank from June 13: Frank Blue Jr of Fairmont corps of engineers Robert Cook of Winston-Salem infantry: Thomas Smothers Jr of NVinston-Salem quartermaster corps and Thomas Griffin of Goldboro Infantry The War department also nn- nouneed that First Lieutenant Frank Vine Haynes air corps reserve of- ficer of Clyde now at Ran- dolph Field Texas will hp tinned on active duty until June 15 1940 rEnsoNAL LOANS I ARTHUR HFNDFRSON bedroom shower continuous hot water 8 'Tee Supervisor of Mecklenburg County "66 1411 LOAN $5 to $30 On your own sienn- 1 '5 titre Warren Words Fair $10 to $250 night ROOMS arris Co 201 First College Phone 2-1925 UNFURNISHFD room close in 1021 South National Bank Bldg per peron Write Mrs Howard Biggs 542 112th St (For- 1210 DILWORTH ROA11)-- Corner room PHOTOGRAPHERS mcr harlotteam) 4 WinCIOWS: connecting bath Gentle UNFURNISHED room close in 1021 South College Phone 2-1925 1210 DILWORTH Corner room 4 windows connecting bath Gentleman only 2-11343 I Apartments Asheville "First that conflicts between SCHOLARSHIPS ployers and employes are inevit- The first scholarship cif $500 will able cover the expenses Of one boy in-'Second that employers are al- chiding room board school tuition most always unfair to employes music lessons camp fees laundry "Third that it is the dilly of the and other items throughout the ace-government to take sides in dis- demic year at the choir headquar'pules between employers and em- ters in Birmingham Ala The see-ploys" ond and third winners will each re- $250 The act he declared needed re- ceive This amount is to be vision In a number of major re- subsidi7ed by a like amount from either the boys parents sponsors sped 12 local or state music clubs VICE CONSULS The Apollo Boys' choir composed of 21 boys is non-sectarian and ARE ASSIGNED non-denominational and has no sponsors or means of support except the unsolicited donations of friends Number of Foreign Service Of- and concert proceeds In the summer the boys go to camp in western ficers Ordered to State North Carolina A part of each winter is spent in Florida and the Department School sprin gis occupied with an extended ill a- ty a- r- )e rrl () Is Every Thing In Phntngraphy wttit*Err rlioTo co 121t Tryon St Phone 3-51)52 405 POPLAR room twirl befit' convenient to bath Dial 3-7394 ASK YOUR GROCER for Citnningham Water Ground Corn Algal and Whole Flour CHARIS-SWAVIS Foundation GiittlientMl Chaos District Office 217 1 Icier Bldg Phone 32610 RADIO PROMPT-Erticient Radio Service Rrnsonithie prices Phone 3-2005 Piedmont Redin Service Co 1708 SOUTH MAUI nieely furnished IL front bed room newly decorated convenient bath bus line 210 NORTH lance Desirable room for two twin beds Dial 2-1993 nna urn oth room twin beds gentlemen preferred Phone 3-8958 LAWING'S Mattress Factory "Charlotte's Oldest" renovates all styles mattresses box-springs 2-1593 REAL ESTATE BURNS TEABSiewoven hosiery repairing hemstitching sewing Re-Weaving Service 503 Independence Bldg THOS KERR Ite Co Real Instate Throperty ManagerriPnt los 114 Srevaret Court DIAL 2-056A FREE RENTING BUREAU HOMES for invalids and ageet negis-1 The Charlotte Observer maintalns tered nurse Reasonable Box 163 free renting bureau for the accommoda Mayesville Ilion of its advertisers and those who aro CIIEXTASTELESS colorless stops llo-iseeking homes MOMS And board house tior Eckerd's Drug Store 1281creping homes apartments Or houses Tryon I If vott do not zee exartly what Vnit If you do not see exactly what you Annorr CO 41 Years in Char loth Real Fstate Southern Mina and Bank Stork' 1112 Johnatnn Idg Phone 77R5 SOUTHERN REAL LOAN AND TRUST CO Relit Estate Sale Property Management Inamance Real Fdatet Lerma 12R Trade St Dial WM concert tour TO MAKE NEW YORK DEBUT 1 1 I MS WILLIAMS district representatit riiro Moth Preventive and Ilotimehold nisinfectants Dial 2-0414 after 4 Baby Photograph Special Three IWO It tinted) all tor $t100 MOORFS BABY sTunto 1141 Tryon St Phone 4901 ISSUE 20000 BOOKS IN MAY COMPTOMETER SCHOOLS Almost 20000 more books were COMPTOMETER SCHOOL Concluete issued in May than were issued in by Hollingsworth widow direr the same month of last year and a supervision Felt and Tarrant Mann s' total of 49 200 books Were circulated factoring Co maker of th omp tometer Phone 6733 1213 Independenc in all agencies during the month of Bldg May 1939 Approximately the DRUG SUNDRIES same amount of increase was re- corded in both the adult and chit- dren's departments loll Providence Road QUEEN SODA AND GRILL INC Phone 3-4782 Although there were no notable donations of books during the DRUG STORES month Mrs Roy A Palmer nnd LISK'S PHARMACIES Mrs Medearis continue to be Diet 2-2137 the institution's leading donors of 1125 Trade St 2204 Avondale or Dial 3-2159 periodicals Mr Gourley said that FRUIT STORES hardly a month passes that Mrs! Palmer does not bring in several FANCY RUITS DAILY West Trade Fruit Store hundred periodicals which are dig- 317 West Trnde St tributed throughout the entire coun- con0 ty FLORISTS He reported that the reference de Hunter Floral Co Inc department was kept extremely busy before May 20 in supplying in-FARM GROUPS 2211 Tryon Sl Phone 7119 formation and material to organiza- wHEN It nowerisay it with ours thins and groups and individuals TO HOLD MEETS Moore's Flower Shop 3-3078 nite 6915 desiring material on the Mecklen- FURNITURE urg Declaration of Independence Mecklenburg Home Demon-used Furniture Bought end Sold and that more than 1000 more pat- MeCALL lit HELMS rons used the reading and reference stration and 4-H Clubs Plan "We Boy end Sell Anything" rooms than was the case in the 405 Trade St Phone 3-6570 same period of 1938 Sessions For This Week HOLD STRAW BALLOT LOW PRICES NEW AND USED Plans for the Library Special Tax Abernethy Sales Co election to be held on June 27 were The home demonstration and 4-11 121 Collew St Phone 6303 worked on during the entire month clubs of Mecklenburg will meet Toward the end of the month 10- this week and the former will GROCERIES 86 PRODUCE 000 cards of information were run have for the major project 'Power LONG'S FOOD STORE off on the multigraph machine and Arrangement" Ultile thp latter Groceries Fresh Meat! Vegetables 2500 letters were mailed to the groups will give their attention to 1533 So Blvd Ph 3-7818 Delivery most constant adult users of the li- "Refinishing Furniture" THE CASH SAVA FOOD STORE brary Included in 2000 of these The Newell demonstration club 120 Ilth St Phone 3-7098 lettere were return postal cards wets with Mrs Curlis Long at 3 Fancy Groceries and Meats straw" o'clock Tuesday afternoon The ------See1--Vertiliter and Feed asking for an unsigned vote So far 310 of these have been minor project will be porches and WOLFE returned 1 There were 300 votes for 319 go College St Phone 8809 porch furniture and a flower con- the tax and 10 against it test Nvill be held Hostesses will rannticE SOMP of the figures brought out he Mesdames Jim Alexander A 'Cooper College St Grocery in his report are as follows: largest Stubbs and Vic Orr 226 College St Phone 9423 daily issue 1442: smallest daily is- The Hopewell demonstration club HARDWARE sue 620 reading and reference meets at the community hillise ----Valspar Paint and Varnish roo attendance 7324: registra- Wednesday aftern th oo at ree i DULIN HARDWARE Co lions 534: newcomerg chHot to flower contest ill be held and 115 college Dial 36143 hostesseS Will he NtesdameA Waldo registered 52 grand total circula- ICE tion 49200 Ind George Bartlett 5 The Sharon demonstration club arolio Ice Delivery 'FLORIDA MAN IS FOUND meets Friday afternoon nt 3 o'clock Phone 2-33n2 1110 community house aztd 1h21 Seigle Ave SLAIN IN HOTEL will be "11 "rchel JEWELRY STORES and porch furniture A local pro- NEW YORK Juno 17- 11') A in the form of the flower I' A i i If wit by pH ice As Nor-lcopiest ill he held NkOnd Ca 'veil 41 of Cocoani it The Miiire chapel 4-It ellih Gmve Fla! vvai lmind from merti "Weilm'stittY night st 104 Ti 1M Mid till COMPTOMETFR SCHOOL Conducted by Hollingsworth widow direct supervision Felt and Tarrant Manufacturing Co of the comptometer Phone 6733 1213 Independence Bldg WHEN It it with ours Moores Flower Shop 3-3078 nit $P15 ei Larolina Ice Uelivery 1 FLORIDA MAN IS FOUND meets Friday afternoon nt :3 o'clock Phone 2-33nt Int ilw contintinity house A zd the 921 Ave SLAIN IN HOTEL ROOMtnin'w "'II "1' JE1VIIIItY ST()REs pnrch furniture A local pro- NE 14 ORK June 17 1 1 ') A grtin in tlir form the flower A man identified liy police As Nor-lcontest ill he held On Wd Ca 'vl 4 1 or Cocoanut: The chapel 4-It cl*th 1 Grve na vvin1 filund (-Ira(' from MVO NV eilresilay night at eivht tors on Dial tit'1 Harris Co 116 Vi'eati Third Street Dial 2-1191 SHOE REPAIRING want described in these columns today come to The Observer office where you will find a description of every vacancy recently advertised in The Observer located in all sections of the city and at all prices This list is especially valuable to newcomers to the city who are nnt familiar with the various locations if you have a vacancy of any kind phone a rental ad now to The Observer and your place will automatically be listed immediately in the Free Renting Bureau The listing service is free to advertisers and proven itself of great value in the securing of desirable tem ants as many people come to The Oh server every day seeking help In lo eating desirable PilICPS to live ACOUST ICON Quality Shoe Repairing Night and DAY HODGE SHOE SHOP 128 College St Lite Gnatenteed Hearing Aid 302 Tryon St Phone 3-7788 Chat lotte 2A Patent Attorneys FOURTH wARn SHOE SHOP Diiti7 1100 Graham City Wide Delivery 12 Rooms for Housekeeping WASHINGTON June VT The choir The State department announced but in Town Hall this year and ha today changes in foreign service heen heard over the National an ineluding: the Columbia Broadcasting systems Samuel Reber of New York New it ham mg in 15 different states York second secretary of the Amer- traveled over 15000 miles and an Jean embassy at Rome Italy Rs- peared before approximately 8500( Pigned for duty in the Department persons 4 of State Foreign service officers Amer- HASSELL HEADS can rice consuls Rt their rospec4ive posts assigned to the Department INSURANCE MEN of Stale for the Foreign Service School beginning September 5' Elected President of Char1930: Robert Grinnell of NeW York lotte Association of Life UnCity Jnhn Goodyear of Springfield Center Vancouver: derwriters For1939-40 Randolph A Kidder of Beverly Farms Mass Montreal Richard Davis of Asheville Ham- Charles Hassell has been elect-burg: Outerbridge Horsey of New ed president of the Charlotte As-York City Naples William Cor- sociation of Life Underwriters for dell of Ward Ark Warsaw: Philip the year 193940 it WAS announced Davenport or Chevy Chase Md yesterday Berlin: Carl Norden of New Other officers are George Pa t- York City Berlin David Stnythe terffiL or Inidont and sent of Mephis Tenn Paris: Parker Blanton Jr secretary and trims-Hart MeOlford Mass Vienna urer Directors are Oldham John KnottVlon Smith Chinese painting sculpture arid Andd and Bornola probably Chinese music all were! revolutionized following the eampaigns of Alexander the Great duel Tht' itiu th's un it to Greek influencers which spreAdInr the Niltional 1elati(in nr Lite eastward says Prof which has a memher ern historian cnnipnsod nr lf nstmuire mien throughout the country It is Otte Rtitomobile numorarturingi wrihod by officials aq the fnly The choir made its New York debut in Town Hall this year and has been heard over the National and the Columbia Broadcasting systems It has sung in 15 different states traveled over 15000 miles and appeared before approximately 85000 persons 4 McCIO ii Arnold and Thom la li revolutio rrobably Chinese music all Nvere! nized ollowing the ca ml AilroY raigns of Alexander the Great duel Tho asociation is the local wilt 1 or the Notional Nssociation nr Life to Greek influences which spreod eastw Ard I of ays 'r NT Underwriters which 114 rnnhe a etr ern historian 11iri composed of life i nSt Ira tl(ls npen -6e- throug hit th cont I ry is He 01113 FilitoMrtbile 144intira rttiritigE tgtthoiri hy officials ac the Otily lin PAVI EATON Patent Attorney 12nti Johnston flktg Charlotte 514 Mitocey Bldg Washington 4 Special Notices MLWormi RnATJ beds room twin beds adjoining bath Meals Gentleman h595 SERVICE STATIONS SERVICE Wnshing Greasing Tire Flatteries Car Tinde And Cednr St Ph 932I1 THORNTON SERVICE STATION'S lAtashing Greasing $100 Louise At Central-10th Trynn ACP FLEVAITIR on ell elevators" Phone clay 3-7629 night 22940 rim ronTsmorrn sTAn le the only bed room twin beck Beauty reht mattresses sth joining bath 3-3456 Welch's( Service S'ation 24 Ilnur Seventh and Brevard St 9452 RETREADING Hetrearling Seeannving Used Mrs ((SIAM TlitE Rear 408 Trade St Ph 999(1 111'Vk trlaper ri I hlishe el in tho city of I LARGE drnihle hedrontm sornl-rrivAtot l'ortinintith VA A city or over tonno bath mcals 1316 Dilworth 110Art Call daily And Stindny Prosprrniis Tide- 33334 water section 11 lir: I timc 7r: 3 ottoA 7ir per line dAily twr MORE HEAD EAST theists stook Ina Above thr era' accommodations ner meth nnolor bedroom privale hrtth An corner front room atlininfog bath: 3 exectiont Attractivo rittec orner front room adjoinhig bth: a 3 exectivnt meals: Attractive rAte 3-144074 BtrY sE11- Pent 'thri through VACIl'III ('IFIANERS The Nioroo and rs 1 Itil''1 Th'' TelrgrW and enrrfem-t4 TALLEY Nev ro4et4 'tile cleat cen't3i Gent ala Ahlr mom tioard to unonlr with nr tow krt ch er l''r10 trn dell limes wittimit chtldren On bostme 2137n sticl LA I arst rleaner Repairs fln all nloket Ila riollot 1 1 Nny dettre room 11100 lot trim' It 441d tr how 1o loom Mrals plivate home 510 1 ti St Phone 3-243 PlIts Jap Toll at litiLloo 3- 10311 IFIvEuty IvAIl It REpAlitiN6 CHINGKING 11111(' IT l'' l'he I (WISE A el eompany Alone uses tip 12 harrels1 tional organization of life insurance a bullet kutid in his room pi thrk)k at nie in) 1 it i iv 1Ie ChIllea- W11 VII 1111Pr ell 1 1() -)(11ning itAft ilriielolin IfieMbi 13111r111 of roug a 11ETTFIt SHOE'S 1 in' Nybo 11 Sild Ie44 eh ttinC year rr) for faces hntlagents In flooseveI hotel today A lonep sr 4-1I ch to eetc tmv-chirL7 rtn(10 1hr official 2-121 In polish ear 1 I 1i I -ow Co 144e4 11 Ntriker rotmetty wa41 It 1 I- (10 Ilted It )' at I ho 1 I l' rrdov Commcrc la 1 vv ri ring h1 oh 11 A rzII" T'vntl St torfly thrd Tqt474nr W31 l'A113 irq' nri iT If ROM) Ntoo 1 sikty per cent lnot'e rttrlrr nrr 11'14rt1 crir" I i Tr it t-ckt i had 1Ilirri Fh1 0(1 rrnm thr hilt 1 I ha))1117 taler ir respondence 2 (177 Thel'In 11 rrs a hnn! Inl pH 3 cnr hrm: hort) 'rt rirri i 1-' 3 'OC 1 A -rktriy in kvAon r-1o JIIK 7 I 11 J'1' IVt34 p4141red '11R vvrn AT nrt fin eondence chools in th United Pe rrier' the lAere ar popul atihn tnt'171' 14C2Ft 4e11rii riy muthro'ied 173 new che(nii7a1 Publie cher tr1-1 se Hit IV: VII l''' Il d'l n''' h-1r a-'1 rollb hmlIne rneelo 'States (at its present sire renter 15 in Sydney Australia plants in 1D33 NotAry HARRY 11EGG JEWELER idi5c1o6e Cilitle5? ca5ualtirA 12 c11 21K-7 IPErmilmoommenowniliamonamomn diallallq1MPONIONIINNIMPOIPPIIWPMP71 at.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.